Selasa, 29 April 2014

Tugas softskill


Some people, no matter what their level of income is, tend to view shopping as hobby. They buy stuff on impulse: they go into a supermarket for detergent, milk, bread, and eggs, but come out with a windshed de-fogging cloth and a package of colorful magic markers. Thes people may end up as shopaholics. Shopaholics, or compulsive shoppers, are people who are addicted to uncontrolled overspending. They shop when they are feeling emotionally burdened or distressed,and use spending as a coping mechanism. Compulsive buying may not sound as scary as drug abuse, excessive dringking or smoking, but if things get ot of hand, it could easily destroy people’s lives. While thid kind of disorder may for several reasons  be destructive,nevertheless, with the help of a little self-constraintm it ca be effectively controlled and treated.

            Mida use to be a true compulsive shopper. She would still make purchases log after she was up to her ears In debt. She suffered from a very real and very frightening lack of self-control. She had closets full of clothes she had never worn,and countless electronic gadgets she had never use . with all her financial resource used up, she eventually had to sell her house, and had her car respossed . minda’s story is a example of how compulsive buying may result in bankruptcy.

            Coumpulsive shopping  can also have a disastrous impact on family life. Children may be victims of their parent’s extravagant hobby. For instance rena , an executive secretary , usually takes her children with her when she goes to the mall. Preoccupied with her purchases, she often frgets her kids are with her leaves them unattended. Her behavior enrages her husband, who berates her negligence , and often yhe couple get into a vicious fight, leaving the children scared and depressed. Another such shopaholic is andrea, a hair stylist whose extravagant shopping habits has put her marriage at risk. Unable t pay their mounting debts longer, her husband has filed for divorce.

            Coumpulsive shopping  may also be the trigger to criminal behavior. Take for example, hartati, a assistant lawyer . the fact that she often didn’t have enough money to satisfy her shopping urges did not discourage her from helping herself to the things she wanted- she just stole them. She began shoplifting on a regular basis. One day she spotted an attractive  blouse In department store. With all of her credit card over the limit, she decided to oce again ake possession of the item in an illegal manner. In the fitting room she pulled the blouse over her tank top and wore her swater. She was caught red handed by a security guard. When her employed found out she was shoplifter, she was fired. As anticipated, she ended up in jail. Coumpulsive shopping ironically, transformed this woman from a assistant lawyer into a lawbreaker.

            Fortunately, there are ways to control overspending and to cure shopaholics. As a preventive measures, leave bothcredits cards and ATM cards at home when you go out shopping. Use only cash. Furthermore , when spot something that you would like to buy, never allow yourself to purchases It on the spot . instead, walk away and give yourself some time to tik it over. If you must, ask the store to hold the item for you. Most store hold goods for their customers for at least a day. If, after a lapse of several das, you still wat the item, go back ad make your through-out purchase. another effective method is by making a monthly list of all the things you pay for, such as grociers, gas for you car , the electric bill, and even that candy bar or bottled tea from the side walk stay that you thought would have revive yaou sagging spirits. Then carefully go over the list and see where all your hard-earned money is going . this habits could save you. By being more aware of what you are spending you will find it easier to control your cash flow. Finally, to help you manage your funds, draw up budget and stick to it. Do not allow yourself to buy anything that is not on the budget.

            In conclusion, whether your are an implusive buyer or compulsive shopper, it is never too late to change your habits as long as your determined. Doubtless, we live in an acquisitive society where it is very easy to get carried away. But bear in mind that being an impulsive shopper is only one step away from becoming a compulsive buyer who shops only to escape from the hars reality of life.

Comment :
According to me about this article is, 

Everyone has their needs, needs consists three type are primary needs, secondary needs, and tertiary needs. Primary needs is vital needs which mst to complete such as foods, drinks, etc, secondary needs is needs which must to completeafter primary needs, such as clothes, house, etc. tertiary needs needs is needs axpensive goods, such as cars, handphone, jewelarry and etc.

Needs  and wis must can difference because every wish not always be needs which must to be complete. Wish which have a lot of will made had impact for people personality and their condition of economic. If that problem to continue to do, so will ba have consumtif personality.

Usually that case occur to woman where, they very crazy for shopping. The crazy for shopping or it is call is shopaholic will can harm for theirself and family especially their children, because if crazy of shopping. She have strand her children and she not care with her family, she just care to her want until unlimited. So will appear egoist personality.

The consequently, if you want to shopping, you must buy with your needs. So, you should use your money for investment, savings, or deposito.

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