Jumat, 30 Mei 2014


Structure and Written Expression was tested in the second part of the TOEFL test . It's meant for you to know the data of English competence . The question being tested is divided into two models of structure and written expression question question . The duration of a good time is provided only for 25 minutes . question structure is used to test your ability to understand the structure of the sentence in the English language correctly . In this model uses sentence completion format that complements the rest of the sentence is still empty . While written expression question you are asked to identify the right part in a sentence .

Of Structure and Written Expression section , somewhat easier question part of another section of the TOEFL test is Listening and Reading Comprehension . How to Respond to Questions Listening Strategies have been discussed in previous articles . Because Structure and Written because not too complicated , just fill in the blank sentence and identify sentence is wrong . Nevertheless, not to be taken lightly as well as the questions can trap and if not learn it before - before the test may not know the answer at all .

Strategy to Answer Structure Test
To answer structure test in TOEFL, the first you must know that you don’t need translate all the qustion, but be translate as the last alternative. You must know in structure test all the qustion are sentences (Subject + Verb). So you must search Verb in the sentense, and this is the rule to find verb:
  1. If these sentence has 1 verb so doesn’t have conjungtion.
  2. If these sentence has 2 verbs so it has 1 conjungtion (Remember, conjuntion is fungsion to connecting the sentences)
  3. If these sentence has 3 verbs so it has 2 conjungtions, etc
  4. This rule applies to sentence in active and pasive.

Materials in Structure Test
This is a materials and example questions structure test which often tested in TOEFL:

a. Basic Sentences stucture
In general , there was no significant difference between the structure of English sentences with Indonesian , where a sentence is built on four main components , namely.
Subject ( S ) + Verb ( V ) + Complement ( C ) + Modifier ( M )
example :
We Studied grammar last week
We Studied + + grammar + last week

1.      Subject
·        The agent of a sentence in the active form
·        Objects / people / parties who conduct or activity that is responsible for an action in a sentence
·        Usually precedes the verb , or after the subject is usually a verb
example :
I explain how to study English.
She listens to my explanation.
They did not understand that language.

2.      Verb
·        Verb is the action of a sentence ( action or actions in a sentence )
·        Verb phrase : auxilaries combination with the main verb ( the main verb )
example :
I am learning English ( am = auxilary , learning = main verb )
My brother is very clever
She has gone home (has = auxilary , gone = main verb )
I have been waiting here ( have been = auxilary , waiting = main verb )

1.      Infinitive
There are some verbs that need (to) infinitive if combine with another verb : afford, agree, Appear, arrange, ask, beg, care, claim, consent, decide, demand, expect, fail, hesitate, learn, hope, manage, mean, need, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, struggle, swear, threaten, volunteer, wait, want, wish.

Example test in TOEFL:
After being indicated for his part in a bank robbery, the reputed mobster decided
        A                         B                                                          C
find another attorney.

The answer you should choose is D. Find should be to find.
Decided + to infinitive.

2.      Gerund (Verb -ing)
There are some verbs that need a gerund (- ing form) if combine with other verbs : admit, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, complete, Consider, delay, deny, discuss, dislike, enjoy, finish, keep, mention, mind, miss, Postpone, practice, quit, recall, Recollect, recommend, resent, resist, risk, suggest, tolerate, suggest, tolerate, understand.

Example test in TOEFL:
Rita enjoyed to be able to meet several members of Congress during her vacation.
A         B                  C                                                             D

The answer you should choose is A. To be should be being.
Enjoyed + gerund.

3.      Conditional
Conditional explains that an activity contrary to other activities. The most common conditional is Real and Unreal Conditonal Conditonal, sometimes also called if-clauses. Real Conditional (Conditional Type I) describes suppose the facts which will be happen. Unreal Conditional (Conditional Type II) describe the suppositions that are not real or imagination. And Conditional Type III, is used as a regret that happened in the past.
· Future Conditional (Conditional Type 1) This assumption states that something might happen in the future or now, if the terms/certain conditions are met.
Type 1 :
a)      If + Subject + present simple + subject + modals (will, can, may, must) V1 (simple form)
example : If have money I will buy a new car
b)      If + Subject + Simple ... + subject + simple present
example : If he has enough time, John usually walks to school.
c)      If + Subject + ... + command simple present form
example : If you go to the post office, please mail this letter for me!

· Unreal Present (Conditional Type 2) This assumption states something contrary to what is or is happening now.
Type 2 :
a)      If + subject + subject + simple past modals (would, could, might) V1 (Simple Form)
example :
1.      If I had time, I would go to the beach with you this weekend.  (the fact is: I do not have time so I could not go).
2.      He would tell you about it if he were here. (the fact is: Because he is not here he does not tell you about it).

b)      For the if - clause in this form only to be "were" is used for all subjects. if the conditional type 2 can be removed is by the use of inversion:
Were + subject + Adj / Noun + subject + capital ( would , could , might ) + V1
example :
1.      Were I John I would not forgive you. (the fact is: I'm not John so I forgive you).
2.      He could hug me, if he were here. (The fact is: he can not hug me, Because he is not here)

· Unreal Past (Conditional Type 3) This assumption states something contrary to what has happened (past).
Type 3 :
a)      If + Subject + Past Perfect ... subject + modals (would, could, might ) have + V3
example :
1.      If we had known that you were there, we would have written you a letter.
(the fact is: I did not know that you were there so I did not write you a letter)
2.      He would tell you about it if he were here .
3.      If he did not speak so quickly intervening, you could understand him.

The Simple Present Tense
Tenses are used for :
Menyatakan / disclose activities that are often performed or routines . For example , do every day , every week , every month , every year , and so on .
Stated circumstances , the nature of the objects / animals / people who remain , meaning that from the beginning until now ( can not be denied ) and probably will not be changed . For example , red blood , the earth was round , and so on .
example :

Sentence Positive ( + )

I / we / they / you + INFINITIVES
He / she / it + INFINITIVES + S
a. We go to campus everyday .
b . She always helps her mother .
c . Beckham plays football everyweek .

Sentence Negative ( - )

I / we / they / you + Do not + INFINITIVES
He / she / it + Does not + INFINITIVES
a. We do not go to campus everyday .
b . She does not always help her mother .
c . Beckham does not play football everyweek .

Sentence Question ( ? )

Do + I / we / they / you + INFINITIVES
Does + He / she / it + INFINITIVES
a. Do we go to campus everyday ?
b . Does she always help her mother ?
c . Beckham does play football everyday ?
WH Questions
a. What do we do everyday ?
b . Who does she always help ?
c . What dose Beckham play everyday ?

5.  Simple Past Tense
Tenses are used for :
Stating that the activities done in the past and the future in mind also .
example :

Sentence Positive ( + )
Subject + Past Tense ( V2 )
a. They went to Yogyakarta last week .
b . She came here yesterday .
c . I watched the movie last night .

Sentence Negative ( - )
Subject + did not + INFINITIVES ( V1 )
a. They did not go to Yogyakarta last week .
b . She did not come here yesterday .
c . I did not watched the movie last night .

Sentence Question ( ? )
Did + Subject + INFINITIVES ( V1 )
a. Did they go to Yogyakarta last week ?
b . Did she come here yesterday ?
c . Did you watch the movie last night ?
WH Questions
a. Where did they go last week ?
b . When did she come here ?
c . When did you watch the movie ?

5.      Present Perfect Tense
Tenses are used for :
Describe an activity that is carried out in the past that still has something to do with the present but the future is not clearly known .
Shows an act uklangan at a good time indefinite before now . In this case the words are often used separti before , already , ever , never , yet .
example :

Sentence Positive ( + )
I / we / you / they + HAVE + Past Participle
He / she / it + HAS + Past Participle
a. I have ever been there .
b . He has taught English since seven years ago .
c . She has lived in England since ten years ago .

Sentence Negative ( - )
I / we / you / they + HAVE + Past Participle Not
He / she / it + Not + Past Participle HAS
a. I have not ever been there .
b . He has not taught English since seven years ago .
c . She has not lived in England since ten years ago .

Sentence Question ( ? )
HAVE + I / we / you / they + Past Participle
HAS + He / she / it + Past Participle
a. Have you ever been there ?
b . Has he taught English since seven years ago ?
c . She has lived in England since ten years ago ?
WH Questions
a. Where place have you ever been ?
b . How has he taught Engllish log ?
c . Where has she live since ten years ago ?

6.      Simple Future Tense
Tenses are used for :
Stating activities to be conducted at a time that will come .
example :

Sentence Positive ( + )

Subject + Will + INFINITIVES ( V1 )
a. He will meet you in Campus tomorrow morning .
b . She will visit her grandma next week .
c . I will meet this evening mary

Sentence Negative ( - )
Subject + Will not + INFINITIVES ( V1 )
a. He will not meet you in Campus tomorrow morning .
b . She will not visit her grandma next week .
c . I will not meet Mary this night .

Sentence Question ( ? )

Will + Subject + INFINITIVES ( V1 )
a. Will he meet you in Campus tomorrow morning ?
b . Will she visit her grandma next week ?
c . Will you meet Mary this night ?
WH Questions .
a. When Will he meet you in Campus ?
b . When Will she visit her grandma ?
c . Who Will you meet this night ?

WILL AND TO BE GOING TOA very confusing concept is when to use WILL and when to use BE GOING TO when we refer the future. Both refer to the future but there is a slight difference but in most cases they can be used interchangeably with no difference in meaning. Even if you misuse them, a native speaker is going to understand you without any problems.
·                POSITIVE  :    SUBJECT  +  WILL  + VERB-1
·                QUESTIONS : WILL +  SUBJECT  +  VERB-1?

·                POSITIVE  : SUBJECT  +  TO BE +  GOING TO + VERB-1
·           NEGATIVE SUBJECT  +  TO BE  +  NOT  +  GOING TO + VERB-1
·                QUESTIONS TO BE  +  SUBJECT  +  GOING TO  +  VERB-1?
Example           :
I am sure Jane ..... to Indonesia next year.
a.  Will move
b.   Moving
c.   Has moved
d.   Moved
The answered is A

·                SO : SO  +  AUXILIARY VERB  +  SUBJECT
·                TOO : SUBJECT  +  AUXILIARY VERB  +  TOO
·                EITHER : EITHER  +  AUXILIARY VERB  +  NOT  +  SUBJECT
Example           :
He came here last night, .... ?
a.   Did she
b.   So did they
c.   He does too
d.   So was she
The answered is B

A noun clause is a dependent clause that can be used in the same way as a noun or pronoun. It can be a subject, predicate nominative, direct object, appositive, indirect object, or object of the preposition. Some of the words that introduce noun clauses are that, whether, who, why, whom, what, how, when, whoever, where, and whomever. Notice that some of these words also introduce adjective and adverb clauses. (To check a noun clause substitute the pronoun it or the proper form of the pronouns he or she for the noun clause.)
Example           :
No one knows ..... he wanted to go there in such bad weather.
a.   Why
b.   Then
c.   Whom
d.   Which
The answered is A

Adjective clauses (relative clauses) are like "sentences inside sentences." The "job" of adjective clauses is to modify (describe, identify, make specific) the noun phrases that they follow. In their full forms, adjective clauses have several parts: a relative pronoun (or, in some cases, another kind of connecting word), a subject, and a predicate (a verb and, often, other types of words which follow it).
Example           :
The house ..... they bought last month is very big.
a.   Whom
b.   Why
c.    Which
d.    Where
The answered is C

 source :


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