Minggu, 06 Juli 2014




Section 3 in the TOEFL test is reading comprehension. This section is intended to determine the level of your ability to understand English text reading. At least you will see 5 readings followed by 10 questions for each text reading. That means there will be 50 questions that you must do. Within 50 minutes to 50 questions that you should be good to finish with a high TOEFL score in your favor. There are no images, diagrams, or other visual aids in reading TOEFL (PBT) you will encounter on the actual test.

Topics in TOEFL reading that you will encounter generally associated with subject at American Universities. Suppose History, Literature, Art, Architecture, Geology, Biology, Health, Astronomy, Geography, and other subjects.


1. Become familiar with reading in English. You should be reading in English every single day. Read the newspaper or news online, print out the daily lessons on English, and find academic papers at the library or online. Do not just stick to topics related to areas that you are interested in – become familiar with a variety of subjects!

2. Practice skimming passages rather than spending valuable time reading the passage in detail. (Skimming is when you quickly glance through text rather than reading every single word). Then go back and read the passage more slowly – you will find you understand more now that you know what the key points of the passage are.

3. Highlight the main ideas of the passage - often you will find this in the introduction. Also highlight key points and facts such as numbers and dates. You will not have time to read every paragraph in detail during your TOEFL reading exam and practicing this regularly will increase your reading speed and fluency.

4. Make quick notes after your first or second reading to save time when looking back for the answers to the questions.

5. Do not worry if you are unfamiliar with the topic of the passage. Everything you need to know to answer the questions will be in the passage in your TOEFL reading section and no prior knowledge is required.

6. Do not spend too much time on a question you are completely unsure of. If you do not know the answer to the question, try to eliminate any answers that you feel are not correct. You want to make sure you have enough time for the questions and answers you are sure of!

7. Increase your vocabulary and understanding of idioms – this will help your overall understanding of passages in your TOEFL reading exam.

8. Guess if you are running out of time – if you have very little time left, it is better to complete all questions than to leave an answer blank. Remember, you will not lose points for incorrect answers in your TOEFL reading exam!

Reading Test 1

(1) Hot boning is an energy-saving technique for the meat processing industry. It has received significant attention in recent years when increased pressure for energy conservation has accentuated the need for more efficient methods of processing the bovine carcass. Cooling an entire carcass requires a considerable amount of refrigerated space, since bone and trimmable fat are cooled along with muscle. It (5) is also necessary to space the carcasses adequately in the refrigerated room for better air movement and prevention of microbial contamination, thus adding to the volume requirements for carcass chillers.

Conventional handling of meat involves holding the beef sides in the cooler for 24 to 36 hours before boning. Chilling in the traditional fashion is also associated with a loss of carcass weight ranging from 2 (10) percent to 4 percent due to evaporation of moisture the meat tissue.

Early excision, or hot boning , of muscle prerigor followed be vacuum packaging has several potential advantages. By removing only the edible muscle and fat prerigor, refrigeration space and cost are minimized, boning labor is decreased, and storage yields increased. Because hot boning often result in the toughening of meat, a more recent approach, hot boning following electrical stimulation, has been (15) used to reduce the necessary time of rigor mortis.

Some researchers have found this method beneficial in maintaining tender meat, while others have found that the meat also becomes tough after electrical stimulation.

1. The word "accentuated" in the line 2 is closest in meaning to.
 (A) de-emphasized
(B) speeded up
(C) caused
(D) highlighted.

2. All of the following are mentioned as drawbacks of the conventional method of boning EXCEPT
(A) Storage space requirements
(B) Energy waste
(C) Loss of carcass weight
(D) Toughness of meat

3. In the line 2, the word "pressure" is closest in meaning to
(A) urgency
(B) weight
(C) flavor
(D) cooking texture

4. Hot boning is becoming very popular because
(A) it causes meat to be very tender
(B) it helps conserve energy and is less expensive than conventional methods
(C) meat tastes better when the bone is adequately seared along with the meat
(D) it reduces the weight of the carcass

5. In the line 7, "carcass" is nearest in meaning to
(A) a refrigerator for the animal body
(B) a method of boning meat
(C) electrical stimulation of beef
(D) early excision

Answer Key : DDABA

Reading Test 2

Lichens, of which more than twenty thousand species have been named, are complex associations between certain algae. The lichen itself is not an organism: rather it is the morphological and biochemical product of the association. Neither a fungus nor an alga alone can produce lichen.

The intimate relationship between these two living components of lichen was once erroneously though to represent mutualism. In mutual relationships,
both participants benefit. With lichens, however, it appears the fungus actually parasitizes the algae. This is one of the conclusions drawn from experiments
 in which the two components of lichens were separated and grown apart.

In nature, lichen fungi may encounter and grow around saveral kinds of algae. Some types of algae the fungi may kill; other types it may reject.
Lichen algae are autotrophic, meaning they make their own food through photosynthesis. Lichen fungi are heterotrophic, meaning they depend upon the algae
within the lichen to supply their food. Up to ninety percent of than food made by the green alga cell is transferred to the fungus. What, if anything, the fungus
contributes to the association is not well understood.

Lichens are hardly. The grow in many habitats and are often pioneers in hostile environments where few other organisms can flourish.

They have been known to grow endolithically, having been discovered thriving inside
of rocks in Antartica. Lichen help reduce erosion by stabilizing soil. Saveral kinds of insects glue lichens to their exoskeletons for camouflage.

Many species of birds use lichens as building materials for nests. Human have used lichens for
dyes and antibiotics.

1. Which of the following best describes lichen association?
    A. Simple plants made of two different autotrophic organims.
    B. A mutual association between a fungus and an alga
    C. A parasitic association between two fungi, one autotrophic, the second autotrophic
    D. A union between a parasitic fungus and an autotrophic alga

2. The word "hardly" in line 26 is clossest in meaning to
    A. Tender
    B. Durable
    C. Armed
    D. Beneficial

3. In Biology, mutualism occurs when two different organism live close together and
    A. One organism parasitizes the other
    B. Both organism benefit from the association
    C. Both organism are harmed by the association
    D. One organism benefits while the other does not or is harmed by the association

4. In line 7, the word "intimate" is nearest in meaning to
    A. living
    B. Extraordinary
    C. Biological
    D. Close

5. Lichen serves as camouflage for which of the following?
    A. Insects
    B. Birds
    C. Reptiles
    D. Mammals

Answer Key : BBBDA

Reference :

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